Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

tatooed angel girl

More Images

Here is some work I've been doing lately. I think the line quality is shown too vague on account of the bad scanner, but maybe with some color I'll be able to fix it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

Dryad Girls

Thought I'd include something from my sketchbook this week. Since I never really show sketches.. Well I'm not sure what my obsession with naked women is, but its not in a perverted way at all! (Note the leaf covering her lady parts :D)

So today's work is dryad's. They're supposed to be tree girls, but I think I made them girls with branches on their heads or just horns really. Still fun to do.

Oh and here is my updated Noir girl. This image was supposed to include ghosts and demonic forces she controlled and stuff, but I'll save that for the background and jewelry. As you can see the jewels are very sketchy right now, but soon they will have some embodiment of demonic forces!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Some Changes Ms. Noir

These last few weeks have been, in short, insane. I barely have time to get proper sleep and my body is fluctuating with all the different eating times. Basically, I need to get my times straightened out and still have time for real art.

So..this is my sad if not pathetic attempt at WIP. I know, I hardly did anything to her. Just a change of hair and some more skin tones. I just feel there is something weird about her face. I'm sure I'd get eaten alive by you know-it-all(s) (not to say I don't value your comments! Please comment!). Anyway, its something.

I need more dedication. 24 hours in a freaking day is nowhere near enough time to do all the things I want. Complain. Complain. Complain.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Miss Howdy and Ms. Noir

Just some WIP on some things I've been working on. Will put updates soon. But all I can say is, I'm not lazy, just too busy everyday to concentrate on my artwork. I wish I could be one of those artists that stay home all day and draw on their awesome art tablets and huge monitors and top of the line computers. As I am not yet in that state, I will try my best to juggle work and free time and what little sleep I can shove in my schedule.

You know how you want to accomplish yourself and organize your time properly so that everything works out alright? Well its harder than it seems. Mostly because this weak human body of mine gets tired and I must rejuvenate with at least eight hours of rest!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

OMG an Update?!!

Here's Red again.

After stepping away for a long (long, long, long, long, long) time, I finally got around to reworking our femme fatal some more. As you can see her face is more filled in and her body posture is less dramatic...though I liked her before pose. Anyway, for all of you who still look at my blog, please let me know what you think of her!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

amazing concept artist!

omg. this is it! Ian McCaig

also http://www.thegnomonworkshop.com/store/product/159/Visual-Storytelling-with-Iain-McCaig-Vol.-2

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Red Riding Hood

So felt like I was being way too lazy with my stuff. Here is my rendition of "Red Riding Hood". Certainly unfinished but in process. The idea is, she's a Norse Viking Princess sent on a secret mission to deliver some goods to her family in the mountains. However, the Wolf (mercenary) follows her...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Goals and steps to take.

Goals. Goals and more goals.

Okay. So in order to get back on track and cease this random year I've been having I must make some goals for myself.

The most important is to move out of my parents house. I am not going to end up being one of those artists bumming on family forever especially not as the basement resident.

In order to move out I must then find a job that pays enough to survive. Preferably in the city where transportation is easy.

In order to get that job I must advertise myself until someone deems me worthy to offer a position. So somehow must whore myself to the public eye and show them how wonderful and talented and irresistible I am.

In order to make the above illusion...I must create in myself someone wonderful, talented and irresistible. This will be hard because I am lacking in many of the categories.

In order to fulfill any of those characteristics I must CHANGE! Get focused and DISCIPLINED. In other words, start working, hard.

In order to do that I must first block out the incessant and constant distractions that plague my attention.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

OH, Now I see

Taking a step back....

Something important I've realized is that I'm too impulsive. I easily commit and jump into things I haven't thought about at all.

Dad told me by the time you're ten, your character would have been developed and your life is based on your ten year old self (some parent read an article and freaked out about her children, so she told my dad).

When I was ten...I was pretty terrible. For some reason I got a lot of detentions, failed countless exams and terrorized my teacher. I think I was going through a phase (a three year one) where I would do terrible things at school. When I was home, I was pretty much the angel faced good girl that no one ever thought to blame. Thinking about it now I'm really embarrassed. However, I can't help but wonder now, if those characteristics stuck.

Maybe back then I wasn't properly socially integrated ? I wanted attention, but I would also get bored easily (which is why i never paid attention in class) which is why I guess I acted out.

I wonder why my parents didn't watch me closer...

Mom told me that she always thought I was unpredictable and unstable. Then compared me to a friend of mine who I always thought was the perfect asian girl. I guess I am the opposite.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, before any of you all start getting judgy about the fact I haven't updated artwork in a forever. I'll post some model stuff from the past few weeks. Now mind you, usually I would scan and touch up these pics, but I was working with a camera with terrible lighting, and no amount of photoshop adjustments would have improved it.

Now, its not just model work I've been doing. So there are more things coming soon. I promise.

I'm kind of surprised people read this weird thing of mind. Next topic. Love.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Sigh... Jon Foster. Is. Amazing. I absolutely despise him. He is a combination of Eric Fortune, James Jean and Jason Chan.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Well I suppose I should tell some news about this week. I took a week off to finish working on my portfolio. I got about two new pieces and working on finishing my old unfinished work. Things I've noticed is this..

My poor brother is yelled at a lot. This brings back my own flashbacks of being yelled at. Oh, its quite traumatizing. Poor lad, I wish I could help him. I understand the importance of getting good grades in his position, but if you've met such a terrible Waterloo (Chemistry) then what? I mean he's already getting tutelage (this means getting tutor taught right?) and he's trying very hard. He's not like me, (sneaky/bad/angel-faced/finding trouble) no, he's a very honest boy with no bad habits. :(

Its not fair for him. He goes to one of those high schools that is filled with asian nerd kids, being bred and trimmed by tiger moms galore. How can he compete with that?! This is not an asian country! I wish these asian people would stop making America that way. Its gotten so bad that these asian families all end up living in the same communities all right next door to each other and the tutor just bounces from house to house! What kind of living style is that?

What is going to happen is all the asian girls are going to marry white guys because they are nothing like their families and there will be no girls left for the asian guys. The asian guys will then all die out and a new era of half breeds will roam freely.

I will make a pact with myself never to become a "tiger mom". No. I will be a cool mom. With a sports car...I'm actually just never having kids. There. That was easy.

Friday, February 11, 2011

ugh finally some pictures.

Was working on some lines. Here's what I got so far.

Devil invades the angel circle.
Deep in the woods is a lovely little circle of white stone angels. One day a goat man comes along and plays his tempting melody. The angels forget themselves and become entranced with the goat's devilish music. They forget themselves and listen to him.

-The issues here is that I don't know how to do backgrounds...
-I am super rusty. (I am so rusty, I am moping in a depressed ball)
-It doesn't look like the way I envisioned...
-Goats are hard to draw...

This one is just me playing with lines. I miss drawing girl figures! Um...I guess its the creation of a mermaid. Two giant carps intertwine around a girls legs to form the tail, equals, mermaid!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Made a small bit of a house, though I strongly believe it is missing some very important yard parts. HMMMM....

This is the first time I've done color so quickly! I think its because its not a person I'm coloring so it is easier. Yeah...that makes a lot of sense actually.

Anyway, I now have the amazing new job of being the artist in my brother's school projects! YIPPEE!!! Here I've drawn a house with a cylinder of algae growing in it for some environmental project he's working on. It looks really weird, but that is what it was!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan 13

Well I haven't forgotten to post, but mostly been too focused on the artists I found. The wonderful Eric Fortune and the well known Peter de Seve.

Eric Fortune is an amazing artist dealing with a dreamy world. When I first looked at his site I was sure his work was all Photoshop, but no, it is in fact acrylic on watercolor paper! I had no idea that sort of paint could do the beautiful things he creates. His characters are elongated and exaggerated yet portray such a realistic sense of being. I love his cut people or those mutilated in several parts. It makes me think, at that angle and at that instance how you could have avoided being maimed so terribly.

Peter de Seve is probably the more well known of all the artists I've discussed primarily for his work with Ice Age and Finding Nemo. His concept art for those movies are very well done, very stylized. Frankly, I think his New Yorker Magazine covers are hilarious and the best of his work. Watercolors and pencil work are his forte it seems (though I've heard rumor of a magic pencil he uses) hahaha.

Anyway that's it for now. I kind of want to experiment with watercolor paper and acrylic, but not sure if I'm willing to throw down that much for something I have no idea to do.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Jan 10 realization.

This person makes me so ashamed...she's got talent spilling out of every pore...am I even worthy of the name artist? Joy Ang, check her out. Her style is quite diverse, and her themes are wonderfully thought out.

Also I've found a Tom Bagshaw, does great commercial graphic work. His main subject: women. Beautiful sexy, sultry women with a bit of weird and creepy thrown in. I don't mean to be forward, but somewhat reminds me of my stuff.

I think I've realized something about my work. It's very dry and boring. My teachers were right about my work. Most of my subject matter are women and they were all negatively critiqued. I think my most successful pieces are ones of animals. Although some of you will not agree with me, I am beginning to realize my lack of depth with human subjects. How mundane is a sexy woman graphically drawn to induce lust! There are so many of them everywhere. They've lost the original appeal.

I must find a new place to start.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

resolution part 1

I think I will start a new habit by looking up at least one new artist a day. Today's was Celine Choo. Her style consists of cartoony crayon brush strokes with confident strokes and long exaggerated gestures. Fresh, colorful and simple.

John Klasson
is next. He helped design Coraline images and storyboard the movie. Very linear and simple colors all very nudish tone. His lines are like pencil strokes, comfortable and simple comic look. However, with the color and attention to shadow, there is a lot of life.

Annie Wu
is someone I've admired recently. Love her work and am very jelly of her talents! Early recognized as an illustrator she has worked for Elle and other companies. Here's the kicker, we're the same age. Yep, wtf have I been up to?

Lastly, James Jean. Although not a new artist I know, I still think it necessary to write a short blurp about this guy. I love it. It's got intensity, child like haunting and beautiful in detail and composition. It's just I can't say anything bad about this guy.

Quick tip of the day: anuses, vaginas, phallic looking things make the most horrifying creature designs.

So I will have a bit of an art vomit up there along with whatever else I will say.

I guess I'll get New Year Resolutions out of the way. God I hope the world does not end in 2012.
-Artist summary and study their work.
-Keep going to the gym
-Don't give up
-Don't overdo stuff
-Get out of the house!